JNE’s Service reliability, which is consistent and accountable for more than two decade has created high credibility as well as trust among the business partners, which keep increasing. Increment of foreign investement in the 90s, domestic economic growth, development of information technology as well as innovative product diversification, has purshed JNE to keep growing and prove its performance in the business environment as well as Indonesian Communities.
In line with the development of business world and changes in the modern community lifestyle, request for time-sensitive shipment handling has been no longer limited to small packages and documents. Rather, it also includes cargo handling, transportation, logistics and distribution. Realizing the said challenges and opportunities, JNE keep on developing its network from big cities down to all remote areas of Indonesia. At present, supported by thousands of trained Human Resources, JNE has successfully established more than 1,500 points or service spread all over the country.
Reinforcement of Human Resources and utilization of technology, information and communication becomes the main factor in developing JNE. X-Ray mechine, GPS, CCTV, On-line system up to satellite Communication Device has been the important supporting device in creating the absolute shipment speed and security. Achievement and commitment of JNE is proven through winning of different kinds of awards as ISO 9001:2008 Certification upon the quality management system
We are currently looking for candidates who have core competency: Achievement Orientation, Integrated and Customer Service Orientation for this following position :
SPV. SALES & MARKETING Close : 15 Feb 2013
Palembang, Makassar, Balikpapan, Medan, Semarang
Responsibilities :
- Implementation of sales strategy, promotion, marketing and network development
- Handling a profile customer data and update a data
- Handle of planning, monitoring, evaluation and human resource development under the coordination
- Handling a documents that related to the main task of team
- Handling the Resources of utilization in support of the main task of team
- Implementation the program of CTS (Clean, Tidy, Safety - 5S or 5R)
- Age min 28 years
- Male / Female
- Education Min D3 (all majors)
- Understand the business processes in the field of Operational JNE (Logistic, Trucking & Cargo)
- Understanding the logistics business processes in generally
- Having good leadership skills
- Able to work under pressure and to achieve specific works
- Willing to travel / offices outside the city
- Willing to be placed in accordance with arround of Palembang area
- Having dedication and high integrity
Written application and CV to the mail sent to :
and CC to :
SPV. OPERATIONAL Close : 15 Feb 2013
Palembang, Makassar, Balikpapan, Medan, Semarang
Responsibilities :
- Handling a technical operations activities according to SOP & SLA in Trucking & Service Department
- Implementation of corporate strategies that support quality improvement Logistic Operations
- Handling of planning, monitoring, evaluation and human resource development under the supervision
- Handling a document that related to the main task of a team
- Handling utilization and network infrastructure that supports the main task of a team
- Age min 28 years
- Male / Female
- Education Min D3 (all majors)
- Understand the business processes in the field of Operational JNE (Logistic, Trucking & Cargo)
- Understanding the logistics business processes in generally
- Having good leadership skills
- Able to work under pressure and to achieve specific works
- Willing to travel / offices outside the city
- Willing to be placed in accordance with arround of Palembang area
- Having dedication and high integrity
Written application and CV to the mail sent to :
and CC to :
BRANCH HEAD Close : 15 Feb 2013
Palembang, Makassar, Balikpapan, Medan, Semarang
Responsibilities :
- Having managed logistic activities: freight forwarding, warehousing and transportation
- Establishment of tariffs for services provided logistic and local tariff revisions if necessary with the approval of the director
- Having network development related to logistic services that provided
- Maintenance of support systems according to standard logistical support center
- Having manage and develop under the coordination of human resources
- Achievement of sales targets
- Reporting the Implementation of business activity logistic
- Education Min S1 (all majors)
- Good communication in English (both oral & written)
- Age min 28 years old
- Good understanding the business processes in field of Operational (Logistic, Trucking & Cargo), Finance and Sales
- Good understanding the logistics business processes in generally
- Having good analytical business skills
- Having good leadership skills
- Able to work under pressure and to achieve of specific work
- Willing to travel / offices outside the city
- Willing to be placed throught Indonesia accordance with arround of Palembang area
- Having dedicated and high integrity
Written application and CV to the mail sent to :
and CC to :
DRIVER Close : 14 Feb 2013
Responsibilities :
- Mengantar kiriman barang (delivery) kepada customer
- Menjemput kiriman barang (pick up) dari customer
- Mengirimkan kiriman barang setiap harinya dengan sistem target per-hari
- Memastikan kiriman barang terhindar dari kerusakan / kehilangan
- Menyusun Laporan/delivery run sheet untuk diserahkan ke atasan langsung
- Laki - laki
- Usia max 33 tahun
- Pendidikan SLTA sederajat
- Pengalaman sebagai Driver / Messenger min 1 th
- Memiliki motivasi tinggi, jujur dan keinginan kerja keras
- Memiliki kemampuan bekerja dengan sistem target oriented
- Berbadan sehat (sehat jasmani dan rohani)
- Memiliki kendaraan bermotor
- Memiliki SIM A/B1/B2
- Memiliki pengetahuan nama jalan dan Lokasi daerah Jabodetabek & sekitarnya
- Berdomisili : Jabodetabek & sekitarnya
Written application and CV to the mail sent to :
and CC to :
NETWORK RELATION Close : 14 Feb 2013
Responsibilities :
- Menguasai dan memahami strategi penjualan retail dan marketing
- Mampu melakukan negosiasi dengan baik
- Mampu melakukan analisa penjualan
- Memiliki kemampuan bahasa Inggris baik lisan maupun tulisan
- Mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan
- Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik
- Laki-laki
- Usia Max 27 thn
- Pendidikan min D3
- Memiliki pengalaman dibidangnya min 1-2 thn
- Mampu bekerja secara mobile
- Menguasai Ms. Office danfamiliar dengan Email & Internet
- Jujur, rajin, disiplin & tanggung jawab
Written application and CV to the mail sent to :
and CC to :
TESTER Close : 9 Feb 2013
Responsibilities :
- Terlaksananya psikotes sesuai dengan jadwal yang telah ditentukan (jumlah peserta, metode pelaksanaan psikotest dan pelaksanaannya)
- Terlaksananya pembuatan skoring hasil psikotest
- Terlaksananya pembuatan laporan jumlah pelamar yang melalui tahapan recruitment & selection setiap bulan
- Terlaksananya update data base kandidat untuk memenuhi kebutuhan karyawan/ti di masa yang akan datang
- Terlaksananya kelengkapan berkas dokumentasi dengan baik
- Laki-laki
- Usia Max 29 thn
- Pendidikan Min S1 Psikologi
- Pengalaman tidak dipersyaratkan namun jika ada lebih diutamakan min 1 thn dibidang yang sama
- memiliki kemampuan komputer dengan baik terutama Ms. Excell, Ms. Word dan Korespondensi
Written application and CV to the mail sent to :
and CC to :
KURIR Close : 5 Feb 2013
Responsibilities :
- Mengantar kiriman barang (delivery) kepada customer
- Menjemput kiriman barang (pick up) dari customer
- Mengirimkan kiriman barang setiap harinya dengan sistem target per-hari
- Memastikan kiriman barang terhindar dari kerusakan / kehilangan
- Menyusun Laporan/delivery run sheet untuk diserahkan ke atasan langsung
- Laki - laki
- Usia max 27 tahun khusus Kurir Motor
- Usia max 33 tahun khusus Kurir Mobil
- Pendidikan SLTA sederajat
- Pengalaman sebagai Kurir / Messenger min 1 th
- Memiliki motivasi tinggi, jujur dan keinginan kerja keras
- Memiliki kemampuan bekerja dengan sistem target oriented
- Berbadan sehat (sehat jasmani dan rohani)
- Memiliki kendaraan bermotor
- Memiliki SIM C (untuk posisi rider), SIM A (untuk posisi driver)
- Memiliki pengetahuan nama jalan dan Lokasi daerah Jabodetabek & sekitarnya
- Berdomisili : Bekasi & sekitarnya
Written application and CV to the mail sent to :
and CC to :